Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Photo shoot:)

Well now that Frank is unemployed (hopefully just for this month) we have plenty of time do take pictures... and since Jonas now is able to sit by himself we figured it was time for a little photoshoot. He has been able to sit by himself for almost a month now, which is more than some of the other kids in the mothers group, though Jonas is a bit lazy so he doesn't move around like some of the others... why should he when his mum brings him everything?

So here is just one of the pictures of Jonas, me and monkey Gareth (which was one Wendy gave him, and he loves it:)


  1. wow, he's such a happy guy! love that big smile.

  2. I hope you post more, that is just so precious. Jonas and Gareth look like they could get up to quite a bit of mischief together ;)

  3. What a great photo! And you look absolutely fab ;)


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