We have had a wonderful weekend. Jonas was still sick on Friday, so my parents in law was babysitting again, I don't know what we would do without them.
Saturday morning Jonas didn't have a fever any longer, but he hadn't been sleeping too well, so not much should go against him before he got upset, so we decided to skip his swimming class. We went outside and got our terrace cleaned, flowers planted, got the outside furniture out etc. So now we are ready
for summer.
Last night Frank's sister and a friend of ours came over for dinner, and we had a little BBQ. Though the weather might be getting better, but it was still to cold to sit outside and eat. I wish I had the next 2 days off, since the weather is suppose to be amazing...
Today we did a bit more gardening this morning, and then I packed lunch for Jonas and I, and we headed to Legoland. The weather was perfect for Legoland, and there wasn't crowded, and the things Jonas wanted to try didn't really have a queue.
Little bikes in a Lego city. This was perfect, I could sit on a bench watching him have fun.
After we got home we relaxed, was outside for a bit, and while Frank was giving Jonas his bath I washed the floors, and after Jonas was in bed I did the grocery shopping for the next couple of days. So I really think we used the weekend to the fullest, I feel like we got so much done and still had lots of fun.
The last train ride before we were heading home, by this point he was really tired, and I wasn't allowed to get his pacifier. The whole day I could talk him into giving me the pacifier when we went on a ride:)
How was your weekend?