Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Tomorrow night I will be here! Do you want to know why? I will be singing along to Pink! Luckily for everyone else at the sold out concert I will not have a microphone.
"Get the party started" is one of the first songs I remember from Pink, not her first I know, but it fits very well to this post:)

I'm super excited, and can't really wait to go. And on top of that I have Friday off, so when leaving work tomorrow my weekend will start, and what better way to start it with a concert.

Monday, May 27, 2013

DIY projects

This weekend have been amazing. We have done a little gardening, a lot of laundry and even more relaxation. I have also had time to work on some of all my projects. Yesterday I finished another hat... this is the 5th one, I first made one for myself, and then I had to make one for my colleague and for her 3 girls. I actually have an order for 2 more, but those are able to wait a bit. Which is good, because I need a little change for now. 

On Thursday our knitting group met up again, though this time we had signed up for a workshop at a little yarnshop in a beach town not too far away. So being in FlittigLise has added a few more projects to my to do list. I'm all excited about getting started. 

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Lego Duplo time

A while ago I was asked to join Buzzador in testing Lego Duplo, well I guess it was Jonas who was going to test it. 

Shortly after the package arrived Jonas realised that the Lego Duplo blocks he had all ready also matched the new ones. Though I really like the new colours on these blocks, especially the lime green and turquoise, it's really happy colours. 
Just a little time to play after bath time and before bed. 

Though lately Jonas haven't been playing to much with them, but I think it mostly because we have been crazy busy lately, and then we have been lucky that when we have had days of the weather has been great. So good that we have spent most of our time outside. 

Usually he like playing with his Lego Duplo, when we went to Edinburgh last summer we actually brought 5 or 6 blocks for him to play with in the hotel. The didn't take too much space in the suitcase and he could spent hours putting them together in several different ways. 

What I especially like about the Lego Duplo is the hours of playtime in some simple blocks. I remember playing several hours with Lego as a kid, and my parents still have the blocks, so when Jonas is a little older he will have those to play with when visiting. We have spent ours playing with his farm, teaching him the different animal sounds, and driving the tractor.

All in all we love Lego Duplo, and we can spent hours playing with the blocks, though it might have to wait till wintertime, because as soon as Jonas is able to get outside he is out playing with the neighbour girls. 

Sunday, May 19, 2013


So yesterday was the Eurovision. For the last couple of weeks it's been all over the media that the bookmakers loved the Danish song from Emmelie De Forest "Only Teardrops". Honestly that felt like Dejavu, I can't count the times that we heard that the bookmakers loves the Danish entry. 

But this time they were right... Denmark won. They were announced the winner even before the point from the last 3 countries were given... Ahead of time I thought the song was pretty good, and while listening to the other songs I felt we had a pretty good chance, but then again I had heard the Danish song so many times that I thought maybe that was why I liked it more that the others.

So next year the Eurovision will be held in Denmark (I'm hoping for Herning, instead of Copenhagen) and I am so much going to be there!

Congratulations to Emmelie De Forest, only 20 years old and the winner of the Eurovision 2013.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Chickens come in all shapes and sizes...

Sorry for not blogging, I was working last weekend... well on Sunday I actually ended going home after a few hours, because I kept running to the bathroom throwing up. So I was in bed the rest of Sunday, I had Monday off, but was feeling all to well, but I managed to enjoy the day with Jonas anyways. The rest of the week has pretty much flown away. I'm working late today, but then I will be off for 3 whole days, since Monday is a national holiday.

On Sunday night we are attending my cousin and her husbands 25th wedding anniversary. Remember I wrote their place cards. We are dropping Jonas of at my parents in law Sunday and noon and picking him up sometime Monday. 

On their wish list is pretty much just money, since they would like to take their 4 kids for a vacation in the USA. But I think it's a bit boring just bringing an envelope with money. So I figured I would make some chickens (they have a chicken farm, and every month they produce hundreds of chickens). I found a recipe for the big one, and thought they were quite fun. The small ones are going on a chicken house that is being used for songs. In Denmark it's common to bring a song for the people having a party, well at least at weddings, confirmations, anniversaries, big birthday parties etc. 

Have a great weekend everyone.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Wall art

The other day I got to be the proud owner of a Jonas exclusive wall art... the first he has ever done and hopefully the last he will ever do...

I was making dinner, and just had to write something on our calendar hanging on the wall. I went back to cooking dinner, Frank was sitting at the table and suddenly he yells (or at least raises he voice) saying "what the heck are you doing kid?" Well Jonas had got hold of a red marker, and was making wall art.

Sorry for the poor quality picture, but you will have to do with a photo from my phone, I'm too lazy to grab the camera.

It was kind of hard being mad at him, he had just seen me writing on the wall (at least that was what it must have seemed like to him), and I guess he was just doing like mommy. Nonetheless he got put in his room for a time out. 

 His wall art is right under our calendar, so I guess that is why he thought I was writing on the wall.

Now when we asks who did it, he says "no, no drawing", so I hope he has learned his lesson:)

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Wonderful weekend

We have had a wonderful weekend. Jonas was still sick on Friday, so my parents in law was babysitting again, I don't know what we would do without them.

Saturday morning Jonas didn't have a fever any longer, but he hadn't been sleeping too well, so not much should go against him before he got upset, so we decided to skip his swimming class. We went outside and got our terrace cleaned, flowers planted, got the outside furniture out etc. So now we are ready

for summer.

Last night Frank's sister and a friend of ours came over for dinner, and we had a little BBQ. Though the weather might be getting better, but it was still to cold to sit outside and eat. I wish I had the next 2 days off, since the weather is suppose to be amazing...

Today we did a bit more gardening this morning, and then I packed lunch for Jonas and I, and we headed to Legoland. The weather was perfect for Legoland, and there wasn't crowded, and the things Jonas wanted to try didn't really have a queue.

Little bikes in a Lego city. This was perfect, I could sit on a bench watching him have fun.

After we got home we relaxed, was outside for a bit, and while Frank was giving Jonas his bath I washed the floors, and after Jonas was in bed I did the grocery shopping for the next couple of days. So I really think we used the weekend to the fullest, I feel like we got so much done and still had lots of fun.
The last train ride before we were heading home, by this point he was really tired, and I wasn't allowed to get his pacifier. The whole day I could talk him into giving me the pacifier when we went on a ride:)

How was your weekend?

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Looking on the bright side...

On Tuesday evening I met up with the girls from my knitting group. Sometime during the evening I said I was really looking forward to the weekend, we finally will have a weekend without any plans. I had been working on Monday night and I'm working late again tonight. On top of that Jonas had started a fever on Tuesday afternoon. So a weekend without plans would really come in handy, to catch up around the house, which looked like a mess. 

Yesterday morning Jonas still had a fever, so my husband stayed home with him. And what can I say, nothing is so bad that it isn't good for something. When I got home he had done almost all the laundry, tidied up, done a little cleaning and mowed the lawn. Now I'm really looking forward to the weekend, it will be a little more relaxing than expected. 

Jonas still has a fever today, so I'm taking him to the doctor and my parents in law will babysit him afterwards. 

The phrase "nothing is so bad that it isn't good for something" really made sense to me yesterday. Don't I just have the best husband?