I can't believe how time just flies, Jonas is growing up way too fast. He is so much fun, and learning new things all the time...
On Saturday he had a haircut, it's not like it was the first haircut, more like the 10th or 12th haircut, so that wasn't a big deal. But the hairdresser asked him if he wanted wax in his hair, and he said yes... suddenly my little boy seemed so big!
I can't believe how naughty he looks:)
This weekend there was a sale on bicycles, and since we had been talking about getting him a bike, well we might just take advantage of the sale. So we got him his first bike, a spiderman bike. He had a bit of trouble figuring out how to use the pedals, but he is starting to get the hang of it.
After starting the Early Years programme, he has also started saying a few English words, which is quite fun. The first sentence he learned was "May I be excused", though Jonas doesn't quite know how to pronounce excused, so it sounds like "May I be a juice". He is also starting to know the colours in English, and sometimes he will be asking me "mum what is x called in Early Years?" to him it's not English it's Early Years.
And soon we will be going on vacation, in 26 short days we will be flying to Turkey. We tried explaining it to Jonas on Friday, we told him we would fly to Turkey and go in the swimming pool. We showed him pictures on the computer etc. So when we arrived at his swimming class on Saturday morning he told me it was the wrong swimming pool. So I tried to explain that we have to sleep a lot of nights before we are going. When I asked him if he remember what we were doing on Sunday when he woke up, well he answered "Fly to Turkey"... so it might only be days, but I'm not sure he quite gets that:)
Have a great week everyone:)
I cannot believe how grown up he looks! And your upcoming trip sounds fabulous - oh the fun to be had!