This weekend we had our "Survivor" party, and it was loads of fun. Unfortunately it was raining part of the day, but we managed anyways. The first test the two teams had was a little math quiz, and they had to enter the result on a laptop, if they entered the right number the words family increase came up. The red team were first and yelled the words, and the cheered because they won, but they didn't realise what they just had yelled. It wasn't until on of the girls from the blue team gave me a hug and said congratulations, they realised what was going on, and then they freaked out. I can't come up with a better way to tell all our friends, they were all there, so how much better could it be!
And now to the pictures, at least some of them. The blue team had really outdone themselves. They were wearing headbands with their names, and had printed out tattoos for them to wear. Aren't that just cool?
One of the games was a wheelbarrow race... do any of you remember when you were kids, and you played wheelbarrow? Well that was what they did, but they had to bring along their mascot without dropping it:)
Another game was shooting gummibears... but not just throwing them. Nope you lick them, stick them in your nose and shoot... This picture is my brother who had the record with 2 meter and 20 centimeters....
Another game was lighting a fire with a firing steel. Which was a bit harder than we expected, but they did manage to start a fire.
Another game we named water world, the teams had to transport water with a bucket over their head and another bucket taped to the top... it was so much fun seeing them run with a bucket over their head.
Another game was a cucumber baton... they had to transport a cucumber between their legs from one end of the lawn to the other and back, giving it to the next and so on. Some people had some really funny walks.
In the end only 2 people were left, and they had to stand on the plank. In order for it not to take ages they had to move to one leg, but that still took some time.
But in the end we had a winner...
It was a really fun day, it couldn't have been better, or well if the rain had stayed away it would have been perfect.
Today I went to my first ultrasound... it was suppose to be a nuchal translucency scan, but my stupid doctor forgot to send in my paperwork, and I'm now too far along for them to do that. I super upset when I found out yesterday, and didn't know what to do. Then this morning they called from the hospital they had a opening this afternoon. So we went, and got to see our little baby, which was very surreal, it was there, but I don't feel anything yet. We even got a picture but our scanner doesn't work, so you have to wait for that. Luckily they could measure some different things, compare them to the blood test and it seems like everything is like it should be:) But I'm not just 14 weeks pregnant, I'm actually 15 weeks pregnant! My due date is February 16th, but my husband is still rooting for the 12th of February which is his birthday.