Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Easter is getting closer...

I know I haven't been all that good at blogging lately, but I do hope that it will get better soon. At least for 1½ week now Jonas haven't been sick, but it seems like time flies, so when I'm off work I'm trying to get everything done and spent as much time as possible with Jonas. But I really hope to be back to blogging more often soon.

After Jonas has been tugged in the last couple of week the energy haven't been there to blog, but just relax on the couch and maybe do a little crocheting... and I have made this Easter chicken, and it has a friend on the way...

I don't really decorate much for Easter, but it was a nice break from making squares for my blanket, which is coming along pretty well:)

I will keep this short, and I will aim to blog at least twice a week in the future, and hopefully sometimes even more:)


  1. Ahh, that's a cute little chicken!

  2. I'm totally jealous of your awesome crochet skills. It's super cute!

  3. Oh I would love to do one for my grandson but my crocheting skills are very basic. I might have to ask my sister. I look forward to the next one


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