Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Christmas is only a few days away:)

So are you ready for Christmas? I think we are about to be, still got a little grocery shopping to do, but my parents arrives on the 22nd so I guess I will have my mum to help out a little:)

Our tree isn't up yet, and it will probably be a few days before we get it up too. Because with Jonas rolling around and getting into everything... well it's just easier not having the tree up for all that long. But I have found the tree decorations, and this year I have made a few new ones. Sorry for the poor picture, but I think you will get the idea!

Jonas also wants to wish you all a Merry Christmas. Here is the picture we used for our Christmas cards, and every time he sees it he will be laughing out loud, which is so cute. Unfortunately when we got our Christmas cards developed they got really dark, but I didn't have time to order some new ones, so people had to make do with the dark picture.

Just wanted to wish you all a Merry Christmas, and don't know exactly when I will be back to blogging, since the next couple of days are pretty much booked. Enjoy the holidays:)

1 comment:

Your comments makes me smile:)