Monday, January 25, 2010


Well the first week of my vacation is over, and I got one week left. Lets face it, I did pretty much nothing last thing, besides from going to the gym 3 times and a few loads of laundry, I did nothing... what a great feeling, just have time to do nothing. My motto last week was "tomorrow I'm going to do nothing, I did that today too, but I didn't finish..." Well I got other plans this week, got to get things done, like sorting all different kind of papers from the bank, insurance etc. maybe a bit of cleaning, and for sure some more laundry. So I guess I don't have time for blogging, need to get started on sorting papers...


  1. Hi Connie,
    Sorry it took so long for me to thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a lovely comment. Life's been a bit crazy, but that's no excuse. I'm glad you found my blog and I'll be sure to keep up to date on your life happenings! Good luck with paper-sorting!

  2. Thanks, I'm done sorting paper, but it took 1½ day and a whole lot of coffee...


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