Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Wedding Wednesday, post 2

So it's Wednesday again, and time for my second post of Wedding Wednesday. Todays question is "When did you know he was the one?"

Well I don't know... when we first started dating I figured it would only last till the end of the year, because in January I would be leaving for Slovenia for 4 months. And to be honest I didn't think much on long distance relationships.

But May turned into December, I had to move out of my dorm. Some of my stuff were moved to my parents, but a lot was moved into Franks house. We had agreed that when I would get back from Slovenia I would move in with him. So I guess somewhere between May and December of 2001 and figured he was the one...

I guess my parents realised this when I got to Slovenia. I arrived on a Friday afternoon, I was picked up in the airport of a student who had studied in Denmark. He helped me get settled in, like picking up the key for the dorm, getting the basics grocery shopping done, showed me the bus stop etc. And then I was left to myself... in a dorm which I was suppose to share, but no one had moved in yet, and no one did move in until after a week or 2. The little kitchen could function okay I guess, but there was nothing in it... no pots or pans, no forks and knives, NOTHING! I talked to a guy further down the hall, borrow a knife so I could at least get some bread. He told me the cleaning ladies could provide pots and pans etc. but they wouldn't be there before Monday! So I went back to my room and cried my eyes out, and was so ready to go back to the airport and take the next plane home. It all just seemed to suck, and on top of it all I didn't have a cell phone yet, so I went to a payphone in the hall and tried calling Frank... who wasn't home! So I figured I called my parents, who were quite surprised that I cried so much... when I lived in the USA for a year I never called home crying, so they "blamed" Frank.

There I was in a foreign country, and hated it... well after a few weeks I started liking it, and further down the road I loved it, I loved it so much that when I had to leave I cried again!

One good thing came of my phone call home. My brother was still at my parents (he lived in England at the time) and he was going to Egypt with work shortly after. He felt bad for me, and I received my first and only postcard ever from him... so now if he has to go somewhere I ask if I get a postcard if I call him and cry on the phone:)

So I guess sometime in the first 8 months I realised that Frank was the one!

1 comment:

  1. oh wow, what an adventurous life you've had! i've dated long distance and it's so hard. but i think it also tells you how important someone is when you still want to be with them after living far away from each other for a while.


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