Sunday, May 1, 2011

The day I got to be a model...

Yep I got to be a model for a few hours... well more like 20-30 minutes. And honestly it was not all that glamorous, there were no stylist to dress me, no make up artist, no one to get me coffee, nothing... expect for a really cute male model.

My husband needed to set the lights in his new studio, and needed someone to "model" for him, so Jonas and I got to do a photo shoot with him! The things is I didn't get to even change my clothes or do my make up, so this is how I look on a Friday night, when I have been home all day taking care of my baby, who for the record hardly slept on Friday because he had a little cold and a stuffy nose (try getting a baby to blow his nose! I ended up being the mean mummy trying to rinse his nose).

Any ways the pictures were just taken so he could see if the lights were set up right... and here is a picture of us after my husband have been playing a bit with it in photoshop.

I learned that modelling is not all it's cracked up to be... but if I get to model with so cute models every time, well then maybe, but just maybe I could cope with it.


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