It's time for another Wedding Wednesday post, and today is about the honeymoon.
To us it wasn't like a real honeymoon, everyone else called it our honeymoon, but we would have gone on that vacation even if we hadn't been married, but for the purpose of this post let's called it our honeymoon:)
We went to Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam and Cambodia. We started our planning our trip to Singapore, because a friend of my husband were stationed in Singapore for 2 years working for a Danish oil company. So we were going to visit him, and hey we got free accommodation:) I love visiting new places, but the best part of visiting places where you know people is you get to see parts of the city that you wouldn't see if you were there as a tourist. We got to eat at all the great places, because our friend knew where to go, we got to see things that wasn't in the guide books etc. So we had an amazing time. 
Our friend knew where to get the best king crabs in Singapore, a bit messy, but sooo good!
Our friend had taken a week of work so we travelled together to Vietnam and Cambodia. But because the plane tickets to Vietnam from Singapore is quite expensive we went through Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia. So my husband and I went there ahead of time, so we could see Kuala Lumpur as well. 
Just a little bit of the beauty of Halong Bay, Vietnam
When our friend joined us we spent 3 days in Hanoi in the north of Vietnam, well one of the days was spent in Halong Bay. Then 3 days in Saigon/Ho Chi Mihn City in the South of Vietnam and last 3 days in Siem Reap, Cambodia, which were spent exploring Angkor Wat.
My husband and me in the Angkor Wat area in Cambodia.
We had an amazing trip, and before heading on that trip we had seen what we wanted to see in Singapore, so the last 4 days we had in Singapore were just bonus days. We did a little shopping, relaxed by the pool etc. So we had the perfect combo of a vacation, we got to see a lot of things, but still had time to relax... I hate spending a vacation by the pool, well we pretty much did that in November in Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic, but I was pregnant, we were there for a wedding and we did go on one trip. But honestly I hate having travelled for hours just to stay at the pool, then I could just find somewhere close by!
So our "honeymoon" was perfect, we went back to Singapore last summer, and the city is still as perfect as it was the year before. And Vietnam... well I don't know how to put it, it was amazing, the people were so nice, and you felt so welcome, even walking in parts of Hanoi that didn't seem like the best parts of the city we felt perfectly safe (you can't do that everywhere). Cambodia and Angkor Wat was an experience by itself, it's har to imagine how they built all those temples... but after seeing "old rocks" again on day 2, well you just don't do it justice, you get a bit fed up with, but it's still amazing.
One day we will go back to Vietnam, I dream of travelling from North to South. Showing Jonas this beautiful country, but he will have to be a bit older so that he can understand.
On our honeymoon we fell in love.... with Vietnam:)