I'll try to keep this short, but I'm not sure I can when I first get started. But we had a wonderful weekend. On Friday I was able to spent a couple of hours at the hairdresser, thank God for formula:) So I got highlights, which was very much needed with almost a year without!
Saturday we had a relaxing day, in the afternoon my husband went to a soccer game with a friend, afterwards Jonas and I picked them up and had dinner and drinks (one drink only for me) at their house. We had a great time, and weren't home until 2.00 am.
Sunday a childhood friend of mine and her husband came by for lunch. We had a really nice afternoon, though all 3 of us were a bit tired from the night before. So we tried to get to bed early, which isn't easy with a baby, but around 22.00 I was able to turn of the light, and hit the pillows:)
Today we first went shopping for a stroller, which is a jungle, but we ended up with a light weight which will be good for travelling, we have the pram for the more daily use. Afterwards I met with the girls from my midwife group. We met up at noon, and suddenly it was 15.30, the time flew by, but I guess that is what happens in good company.
Jonas all ready sleeping in his new stroller.
Tomorrow I'm going to meet with my boss for our yearly interview, so keep your fingers crossed that I will get a raise... I doubt it though, because right now they are firing people... so I'm just happy that I'm on maternity leave so they can't touch me:)
On Thursday my parents are coming, and staying till Friday. My aunt will visit as well on Friday, so we will have a big Easter lunch on Friday. Saturday we will go out for lunch at a fish restaurant with some friends, and Sunday we are visiting Franks parents at their Summer house on a little island just of the shore from Esbjerg.
Well I guess I was right, I couldn't keep it short! Anyways Happy Easter everyone!